Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Gossip Girls

While my 7th period class was sewing their pin cushions today, I allowed a few of them to sit with their friends so they could work and talk. A table of my 3 most talkative, outspoken, back-talking girls were gossiping about almost every person at the school.
"He's soo ugly! Why did you go out with him?"
"No he's not. I think he is sooo FINE!"
"She is one of those girls who _______ !"
"I hate her!"
"She is so ugly!"
"Oh my gosh, can you believe that?"
"So at the party this past weekend, guess what so and so did?

I can't even repeat what else they said because it would not be appropriate.
Between comments like these they were laughing histerically and making fun of people who were not even there to defend themselves.
As I was listening to their conversation, I said:
"Y'all make me so glad I am not in junior high anymore! Y'all are so mean!"
My most mouthy girl in the class retorts:
"I bet you didn't even have any friends in school! No would want to be friends with you!"
"Vanessa (that is what I will call her, it seems fitting), you are about to become best friends with the Assistant Principals and they will be your only friends at school!"

Don't you just love middle schoolers??


Mrs. Klink said...

YES YES YES!! I do love them :)

mel said...

elementary kids are cuter than middle school kids. but the conversations are about the same with a smaller vocabulary, of course.