Friday, October 26, 2007


So last Friday a student was transferred into my 8th period Skills for Living class because the counselor changed his electives. We will call him student X. X is this big boy who is half Puerto Rican half black. And boy does he have a personality! The counselor informed me to tell him that we follow the rules in my class and if he gives me a problem to call his grandparents, whom he lives with, and they will be very supportive. Well of course that insinuates that he has behavior issues. Yep, right away he was talking up a storm to his table and I had to quiet him down. The lesson of the day was discussing different types of child abuse. Once we got to sexual abuse (they were surprised at how often this happens) my student decides to tell a little joke:

"One time I was at Michael Jackson's house playing games and he asked me to spend the night in his bed but I said no."

He definitely had the class, including me, roaring with laughter!

Last Thursday I had him sit at the desk next to mine so he would stay on task and he asked me:

"Can I sew a dragon onto my pin cushion? Because I really like dragons. I like all the kind of dark, evil stuff. I am creepy. I am really creepy."

I was trying to show the class some sewing stuff and overheard X and another student talking. X was being really elaborate in his stories so one of his classmates called him a drama queen. To this he replied:

"Drama Princess! Get it right! I am a Drama Princess!"

Yesterday I was trying to show him some sewing techniques and he busts out in a dance move and tells me he is dancing like Michael Jackson.

Me: "So you like Michael Jackson huh? He is your personal friend?"
X: "Yeah I go over to his house a lot to play games but I don't spend the night."

I could devote my whole blog to just what my students do and say! It makes the day so much more fun when I just listen to them. They are hilarious! I will be keeping you all updated on my infamous student...

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