Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Miss K and I share an interest, or rather obessession with personality tests because we love understanding who we are and figuring out other people.
I decided to add this short quiz and hope you all will try it too!

Your Personality Cluster is Introverted Intuition

You are:

Multilayered and complex
Inspired and driven to achieve your goals
A visionary with a complete life plan
Intuitive enough to understand difficult problems, ideas, and people

Want to learn more about yourself? Try these ones too:

Temperament test
Personal DNA
5 Love Languages

My results:
Mostly Melancholy and some Phlegmatic
My #1 Love Language is Words of Affirmation, followed by Quality Time and Physical Touch.

I always find these quizes so interesting because they are usually so correct in defining me. I love to know how we all function and interact based upon our personalities. What do you all think of the results?

1 comment:

Mrs. Klink said...

Yes, we do share that common interest, amongst myriad other things, of course :)

I took the 3 question test and oddly enough I was an Extroverted Sensor when I am really an Extroverted Intution according to the Myers Briggs (ENFP). Unlike you, however I am a Sanguine with a wee little bit of Choleric for good measure. My love languages are Words, QT, Touch- just like yours and in the same order, I think :)