Friday, September 20, 2013

For His Glory

A kind friend shared the Shane and Shane music video with me yesterday (posted below) and watching this led to watching a John Piper sermon that was "suggested" on YouTube. For multiple reasons, I've not listened to many podcasts lately but my soul was stirred when I heard Piper preach during the music video. I felt compelled to watch this sermon from the Desiring God Conference in 2005, also based on his book, When I Don't Desire God. The words that stuck out the most to me were:

"Why does God do everything that He does? Is there a unifying motive? God does ALL that He does to display His GLORY for the full and lasting enjoyment for ALL who embrace Christ as their highest treasure."

No more asking, why do I have to go through this? Why do I have to deal with this pain? Why do I get treated this way? Why am I single? Why? Why? Why?

Although the hurt and pain may still penetrate my heart, I know the reason why I am enduring very minute, irritating moments to very large, long-lasting trials. It's not as if I did not know the reason for suffering before but I did not accept it as truth for my life. I would often put my clenched fist up in the air toward God with a demand that these difficult times end quickly but God in His sovereignty has not always done so. He has been faithful in showing His true character to me and for that I am thankful. 

I want to live with full abandon to His Will and let go in full surrender of my will, Heather's will, the will that gets me no where in life, the will that stunts my growth, the will that keeps me from His blessings, the will that stubbornly refuses to submit, the will that brings natural consequences.

"I will say to the north, Give up,
    and to the south, Do not withhold;
bring my sons from afar
    and my daughters from the end of the earth,
everyone who is called by my name,
    whom I created for my glory,
    whom I formed and made.”
Isaiah 43:6-7 ESV

Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Though You Slay Me"

come, God, I come
I return to the Lord
The one who’s broken
The one who’s torn me apart
You strike down to bind me up
You say you do it all in love
That I might know you in your suffering

Though you slay me
Yet I will praise you
Though you take from me
I will bless your name
Though you ruin me
Still I will worship
Sing a song to the one who’s all I need

My heart and flesh may fail
The earth below give way
But with my eyes, with my eyes I’ll see the Lord
Lifted high on that day
Behold, the Lamb that was slain
And I’ll know every tear was worth it all

Though you slay me
Yet I will praise you
Though you take from me
I will bless your name
Though you ruin me
Still I will worship
Sing a song to the one who’s all I need

Though tonight I’m crying out
Let this cup pass from me now
You’re still more than I need
You’re enough for me
You’re enough for me

John Piper speaking: Not only is all your affliction momentary, not only is all your affliction light in comparison to eternity and the glory there. But all of it is totally meaningful. Every millisecond of your pain, from the fallen nature or fallen man, every millisecond of your misery in the path of obedience is producing a peculiar glory you will get because of that.
I don’t care if it was cancer or criticism. I don’t care if it was slander or sickness. It wasn’t meaningless. It’s doing something! It’s not meaningless. Of course you can’t see what it’s doing. Don’t look to what is seen.
When your mom dies, when your kid dies, when you’ve got cancer at 40, when a car careens into the sidewalk and takes her out, don’t say, “That’s meaningless!” It’s not. It’s working for you an eternal weight of glory.
Therefore, therefore, do not lose heart. But take these truths and day by day focus on them. Preach them to yourself every morning. Get alone with God and preach his word into your mind until your heart sings with confidence that you are new and cared for.
Though you slay me
Yet I will praise you
Though you take from me
I will bless your name
Though you ruin me
Still I will worship
Sing a song to the one who’s all I need
Sing a song to the one who’s all I need